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Soma = body. In other words; experiencing the body.

‘If frightening sensations are not given the time and attention they need to move through the body and resolve or dissolve, the individual will continue to be gripped by fear.’

– Peter. A. Levine – Developer of Somatic Experiencing.

We’ve grown up learning to avoid uncomfortable or painful feelings. Be they physical sensations or emotional pain. We reflexively move away from discomfort by adopting any manner of coping mechanisms; alcohol, smoking, sex, overwork. The list is endless.

What if the solution is the opposite? Actually leaning in to the feelings, the discomfort. 90% of which is still-stuck childhood experiences! How about experiencing the feelings and sensations fully? Allowing them to resolve spontaneously.

Our bodies hold a wealth of knowledge. Mine certainly does, and I often need reminding of this. In order for this knowledge to translate into wisdom (thereby translating into less pain, emotional and physical), I need only allow it. Stop thoughts of ‘when I get rid of this, then I’ll…‘ ‘When I feel better then I’ll be able to..’ ‘When I make enough money, then I’ll…’

Somatic experiencing to me means:

  • being more ok with the sensations in body, whether these sensations are pleasant or unpleasant.
  • allowing painful emotions, welcoming them (practicing this at least) instead of doing whatever it takes to make them go away.

All in all, leaning in to the discomfort is the only spiritual practice I’ve ever needed. My triggers tell me where to go so that I can grow!

Sometimes if fully experiencing my emotions leads to processing a difficult past experience and it gets too much, I’ll start parenting the inner child/parts work. Or I’ll go swimming in the icy Atlantic Ocean. There’s something about cold water swimming and the deep breathing that comes with it that instantly changes consciousness for the better! It is a shamanic practice after all. And Somatic Experiencing! 😅

Experiencing your body (yourself), underpins everything.

I think this is terrific.

So awesome, it’s terrifying.

Will I meet life on its own terms regardless of the terror, or will I let the fear of unwanted sensations and feelings keep me cowering and small.

I have this choice everyday.

Thank you for reading!

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Cape Town